Training & Resource Library

Training & Resource Library

Welcome to the IBEC Team Zone! This is our private (by invitation only) website for IBEC consultants and subject matter experts. In the IBEC Team Zone, you’ll find training and resources to help you serve your IBEC clients more effectively and efficiently. Our goal is to provide you with everything you need to augment your business skills and experience with BAM-specific and IBEC-specific training and tools. We appreciate the time you invest in your work with IBEC and we want to maximize the return you get, personally and professionally.

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IBEC Consulting 101


1. Business as a Spiritual Activity & Ministry: seeing people & business from God’s perspective

2. The Theology of Work and the Importance of Creating Jobs

3. It’s God’s Business: the importance of stewardship and walking with God at work

4. Cultural Differences in Business and the Importance of Relationships

5. The Global BAM Movement


6. The IBEC Consultant’s Role and Resources and Introduction to Coaching

7. IBEC Processes: Business Planning Tools (and Intro to Principles of Integration)

8. IBEC Consulting Processes: Project Management and Reporting

IBEC Consultants Resource


1. IBEC Tools and Documents

2. Tools from Other Organizations


3. IBEC BAMtalk Vignettes

4. IBEC BAMtalk Studio Training

5. Public Videos

6. Password Protected Videos

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