Sound of Freedom – a movie success, but how should I think and act now?

My wife and I viewed the movie Sound of Freedom the first week it came out and have been in several conversations since.  For many, it was a new reality; some reacted and sensed some bias and over statement; some did not know what to think or what to do next.

It is always good to listen to the wisdom of those with experience while we process our thoughts.  As a board chair of the Freedom Business Alliance (FBA), I have been privileged to be close to the situation of human slavery for more than four years and listened to survivors, as well as those who have researched this rapidly growing social disaster.

Two authorities I respect highly have commented publicly. The first is the chair of BAM Global and co-founder of the FBA, Mats Tunehag, who presented his ten observations.

Secondly is Lauren Pinkston, FBA Board member and human slavery researcher, who has collaborated with others in a joint statement on the issues surfaced by Sound of Freedom.

Because the solutions to human slavery connect directly to the reason for IBEC’s existence, here are a few (not exhaustive) summary thoughts.

  1. Movies capture a story in one moment in time and are not meant to be an exhaustive treatment of the whole subject matter. The biggest and best benefit for a movie like this is that it helps to bring awareness of the problem.
  2. Kidnapping and ‘Raid and Rescue’ abductions are a very small part of the bigger picture (though I champion and rejoice every effort to set a victim free).
  3. The movie, like a lot of storytelling put to the big picture, makes some hyperbole, and presents the narrative from one perspective. Other important perspectives would include those of survivors themselves, and other non-western cultural insights.
  4. “Around 80% of human trafficking victims are individuals who are subjected to forced labor with meager or no compensation, working in harsh conditions in factories, farms, mines, construction sites, fishing vessels, and private residences.” (Sound of Freedom joint statement cited above).
  5. The root cause of human trafficking is poverty due to lack of jobs, which provide for dignity and adequate income for a family. Oftentimes, families send (or sell) children into the city chasing promised opportunities, and they turn out to be tricked into labor or sex exploitation.
  6. Some studies indicate that there as many as 50 million human slaves today, making it one of the largest criminal activities (along with arms trade and drugs). The above-mentioned joint statement gives good next steps for all of us, and includes Listen, Learn, Share and Give.
  7. Prevention is a key part of helping to solve the problem, and we believe that the best preventative measure in creating jobs with dignity. This is at the heart of Business as Mission and the core of IBEC consulting.
  8. In summary, the missing ingredient today after RESCUE and RESTORATION is to have an end to the exit ramp for the survivor – a good job.

Larry W. Sharp, BAM Support Specialist, IBEC Ventures

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