April 2017

May 1: International Workers’ Day – or International Customers’ Day?

May 1 is considered Labor Day in most every country in the world. With its roots in the labor movement in the late 19th Century, the day commemorates the world’s workers with celebration and holiday. While it certainly is important to celebrate the historic gains made by the world’s workers as well as the more […]

May 1: International Workers’ Day – or International Customers’ Day? Read More »

5 tips for long term survival and success in high risk countries

I just spent a week with several business owners and humanitarian workers who work in a high risk country. 1 I marveled at their commitment, perseverance, competence and productivity in their chosen calling.  Many were business people while others university professors and medical professionals. 1. Pray and Trust. One veterinarian stated it this way. “We are

5 tips for long term survival and success in high risk countries Read More »

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