July 2019

Business as a Kingdom Calling

I teach a course entitled Innovation and Entrepreneurship at a northwest Christian university.  One day I opened my computer to grade an assignment from a new student that I did not know. He made this statement in the course of his written work, “The main goal of business is to profit…”  It was an open

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Shut up and Listen: One key to doing business in another culture (Smart business is culturally savvy)

A recent article focused on the passion of Melinda Gates in her involvement with Pivotal Ventures, an investment and incubation company focusing on “Lift” for women around the world.  She responded to an interviewer asking how she finds the right way to work with people cross-culturally. You always have to listen to what the people

Shut up and Listen: One key to doing business in another culture (Smart business is culturally savvy) Read More »

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