What is the Lion’s Den?

Well, it has to do with lions, and we may first have heard of the biblical Daniel in a den of lions.  Of course, he had a miraculous escape, and is a spectacular true story we often tell our children.

The metaphor remains to this day, and ten years ago, a group of kingdom-minded business people in Birmingham, Alabama took some of the ideas from the TV show, Shark Tank. They adapted them for a similar event for business startup leaders who were pitching their vision and business plan for a Business as Mission business, modeled along the lines of the Quadruple Bottom Line.  The “sharks” of TV fame are called “lions” in the Birmingham Lion’s Den.

IBEC has been involved since the early days, particularly with the regular attendance of our Managing Director, Bob Bush.  He has helped many businesses with their pitch deck, and several have been invited to the final event to pitch in front of accredited investors. Sometimes, Bob has even been a lion. In the past, some of our coached businesses have received investments, and are doing well today. Check out:  www.kijaniforestry.com, www.imanicollective.com and colabor.com.co. All of these bring profit, job creation and the gospel together in a biblical integration of faith and work.

The Lion’s Den is a unique venue that brings Kingdom professionals from all walks of life to one location. The networking opportunities are endless, as practitioners and investors are afforded the opportunity to meet one another and determine if there is, in fact, a path forward. IBEC Ventures continues to play a vital role as a connector between these two entities. Value is provided for practitioners who need help pitching their businesses, and investors are introduced to business leaders who desire much-needed capital. Connecting the two is critical, and IBEC has become a key player for both ends of this BAM spectrum.

If you are a Kingdom investor in search of a sustainable company that makes disciples in the workplace, or if you are a practitioner looking for help in delivering your message to the BAM investment community…reach out to Robert Bush at IBEC Ventures today (robert.bush@ibecventures.com).  We would love to help!

This year, one of our coached businesses pitched on the last day.  IBEC (Bob) was their coach.


IBEC is committed to offering continued support towards the important work of the Lion’s Den.

Larry W. Sharp, BAM Support Specialist, IBEC Ventures

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