Bob Bush: Thanksgiving Message 2022

As we approach Thanksgiving, Bob Bush, Managing Director of IBEC, shares personal experiences and insights.

Larry W. Sharp, BAM Support Specialist, IBEC Ventures

Back in 2015, I was asked to share my Thanksgiving message with our IBEC Ventures audience, and as I read through this message once again, it made me realize a couple of very important things. First, I believe I am even more grateful for IBEC today than I was seven years ago. Having the opportunity to serve our Lord by combining my love for Him and my love for business has been extremely humbling. And second, God has taken me through a series of life-changing events that have created a realization on my part that I need Him more and more every day. He is my rock, my foundation, my salvation.

As I look back at the last seven years, it makes me realize just how different my life is today and how quickly things can change.  For example, our girls graduated from college, both got married to amazing young men, and my wife and I will be welcoming our first grandchild into this world in March 2023.  On the other end of the spectrum, I lost both my parents within the last three years. No more phone calls or visits. No more baseball conversations with my dad.  These are all distant memories today. Like many of you out there, I keep pressing on. I never quit because I know God wants me to move forward.  He wants me to make a difference for Him.  I realize the void my parents left behind will never be replaced; however, I do know that I will see them again in Heaven when my Father brings me home.  This gives me tremendous peace, as I prepare for this next phase of life.

Why is it that our years seem to accelerate at record pace as we get older?  For me, these last seven years feel more like months as they have flown by in the blink of an eye. The “sandwich years”, which have consisted of caring for kids and parents, are now in the rearview mirror. For many, this can be a scary time.  In our family, my wife and I are official members of the last generation. Parents on both sides are gone, as we now prepare for our new role as grandparents. How in the world did this happen? As society continues to push the last generation out the door, my desire is to buck the system and continue to serve Christ with all my heart and soul.  Going into 2023, this is what I am most thankful for…the opportunity to serve my Lord with enthusiasm and a relentless passion that glorifies Him.

Here at IBEC, we see God lifted up each and every day. As we continue to serve nearly 50 BAM businesses all over the world (primarily in the 10/40 window), we feel privileged to be in this position. So…what am I most grateful for here at IBEC?  Here are the (5) key takeaways that immediately come to mind:

  • Every day represents an opportunity for me to intentionally serve Him. I have a purpose and a calling that positively impact the Kingdom.  How awesome is that!
  • I have the forum to meet men and women who are “in the trenches” building and growing businesses for Christ. The opportunity to come alongside them is a privilege.  They are my heroes.
  • I work with amazing men and women at IBEC, from our Board to our Leadership Team, to our clients, and on to the BAM Network as a whole. We are all on the same team, the winning team, and that feels really good!
  • I have seen the Business as Mission space explode over the last few years, and it’s humbling to be playing a part in this movement. Having a purpose that glorifies God is what gets me up in the morning.  This is not just what I do…it’s who I am.
  • My spiritual walk has been strengthened through IBEC. I have a long way to go, but I know I’m growing stronger on this path that God has laid out before me.  May I never take this opportunity to make a difference for Him for granted.

Thanksgiving will soon be upon us, and we will be starting a new year before we know it.  The days in front of us are uncertain, and none of us knows how long we will be here. If you’re reading this letter today and you feel like something is missing in your life and you’d like to use your gifts for the Kingdom, please reach out to me ( today. IBEC may be a great place for you to land. Building and growing Kingdom businesses is amazing, and I can’t think of a better way to serve Christ. As Paul shared with us in 2 Timothy 4:7-8, “I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith.  Now there is in store for me the crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous Judge, will award to me on that day – and not only to me, but also to all who have longed for his appearing.”  How am I going to finish my race? This is a question we all must ask…

I am thankful that God has allowed me to find my sweet spot.  Who knows… Business as Mission may be yours as well!

God Bless You Always,

Robert Bush

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