Check out this BAM Company in the Middle East – Andragogy – What is it? Why is it important?

If you are reading this you may learn something in a similar way you have learned since you were a child – reading it for understanding, interacting with the thoughts of a writer or teacher and his/her presentation, and your application or rejection.  But Andragogy is not that – it is the opposite!

Andragogy is the description of how adults best learn, change and grow.  It includes the following as learning techniques:

  1. It first must be considered relevant with internally developed motivation.
  2. It uses past experiences as the context of learning.
  3. It is practical and allows for hands-on problem solving.
  4. It allows the adult to be in control of the what, who, and how of learning.
  5. It is experiential and can be immediately put to use.

Blue Ridge, Inc. Would you like to know if a coaching group actually works this way and uses such techniques to help the client company learn and grow?  That is the way the BAM company Blue Ridge, Inc. is structured and has success in helping clients with core fundamental needs.  They were founded about twenty years ago by Bryce and Tom to help businesses large and small to be more effective and efficient.  Their focus is the Middle East.

Essentially. Blue Ridge offers leadership and team development training using the adult learning techniques mentioned above.  Corporate and startup leaders are involved in an immersive, experiential setting.  Instead of everyone sitting in a classroom, the facilitators focus on starting with the current business setting, working on team issues, dealing with current concerns (such as conflict, strategy, or metrics) and developing a culture of skill maximization and personal fulfillment.

Realizing that every organization is different, the Blue Ridge facilitators LISTEN – LISTEN – LISTEN and they LEARN – LEARN – LEARN about the client business.  And that transfers into a product for the client that:

  • Brings outside the box thinking to everyone.
  • Helps clients discover barriers themselves that are holding people back.
  • Provides practical do-able applications of principles.
  • Is innovative and solves real current problems.
  • Can be put to use that same day.

So, what does that look like in relation to a stated purpose – helping people establish sustainable positive change?  A health professional who faces daily interaction with those using the Blue Ridge service said the course made a huge difference in her work, and she recommends that all health professionals attend the course.

How about the purpose to create an inspiring workplace where staff are fulfilled, developed and valued?  One woman working on a CSR project was so helped that she is now employed as an administrator, leading a team responsible for sales and delivery of a major part of the business.

In 2019, Blue Ridge has worked with 22 organizations, most being large multinational companies, though some are government organizations.

The IBEC coach is helping Blue Ridge evaluate a possible franchise model and is working alongside Bryce and Tom to evaluate their organizational and entity strategy and their structure as they expand into new countries.  He helps identify potential improvements to help them scale profitably.

IBEC is privileged to have a coach/consultant involved with Blue Ridge, because this company understands the importance of creating jobs, working toward a profitable sustainable company, and bringing the light of the Kingdom of God to their context in the Middle East and North Africa.1

1 At the request of Blue Ridge and the consultant, the company and individual names are pseudonyms

Larry Sharp, Director of Training, IBEC Ventures 

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