Engineering Spreadsheets for the Glory of God in East Asia

In the 2022 book Missions Disrupted: From Professional Missionaries to Missional Professionals, I shared 27 stories of transformational businesses which were turning a profit, creating jobs, stewarding God’s creation, and making disciples of Jesus. One of those stories, “Engineering Spreadsheets – Relevant to God’s Purposes” (p. 73ff) tells the story of Brandon and Ashley who live in East Asia, and work for an American Engineering company, started with the purposes stated above.

A profitable company with more than 80 employees can fairly easily measure success in those categories; but the spiritual sector is much harder to quantify. But, when I interviewed Brandon and Ashley, Brandon initially stated, “God created each person with unique skills, and I have found my niche in an engineering firm.”  As they continued to tell more details of their journey, they affirmed another factoid which I first heard from Bill J., “Business as Mission is most simply walking with God at work.”  In summary – Brandon is a gifted engineer, he loves Jesus and he walks in his ways.

As an engineering manager in a country which does not grant missionary visas, he sees himself as a missional professional and so does Ashley in her role as a mother and with her community involvement.  They affirm that as trust is built through day-to-day relationships, unique opportunities arise to demonstrate in deed and tell in word about a God who loves them and has an amazing story of salvation. (Read more in the book about how life on the job creates many opportunities.)

Recently1 they told of one employee, Rose, who listened to discussions about Jesus and decided that it was not for her. In fact, she became resistant to the message and actively opposed to the company culture.  However, one day when a church medical team came to the factory to offer free physical check-ups, each employee was also offered a free spiritual check-up with a pastor.  Most chose it as it meant they did not have to go right back to work.

Even though the motivation was flawed, God used the visit in Rose’s life.  The truth that day from a pastor in her culture and language along with the visible witness she had seen in Brandon and others, led her to a decision to follow Jesus.  Now, she no longer opposes the truth in the factory, but helps share God’s love with her coworkers.

An engineering firm which understands the role of missional professionals, a dedicated couple, a local house church pastor, and the Spirit of God – all in a country which opposes our Christian faith brings eternal results – for the greater glory of God.

“From Hostile to Allied” Advance, Crossworld publication, Fall 2023

Larry W. Sharp, BAM Support Specialist, IBEC Ventures

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