At the church we attend, there is a “minute” each Sunday when we introduce ourselves to someone we don’t know yet. This morning the person beside me asked what I did and I had a minute to tell him about IBEC.Of course, I do have my “elevator speech” which goes something like this: I work with a consulting group which provides help to Kingdom businesses in developing countries which are the most unreached spiritually. These for-profit businesses provide jobs and seek to make followers of Jesus. I vary it depending on the person and how much he or she likely knows about the thoughts included in this short description.But it got me to thinking about single words and phrases I could use to describe Business as Mission.What if I only had seven words, six, five, four, three, two, one? What would I say? Maybe it would go like this. What would your words be?
Seven: Kingdom of God in context of businessSix: Economic, social, spiritual outcomes through businessFive: Walking with God at Work1Four: Life transformation through jobsThree: Business; Mission IntegratedTwo: Missional BusinessOne: BAM
1 Coined by BAMer and BAM speaker, Bill Job
Larry Sharp, Director of Training, IBEC Ventures