From Hostile to Allied

IBEC has received permission to reprint this story set in country that is unfriendly to mission workers and Jesus followers. I am grateful to know Brandon and cross paths with him occasionally. A segment of his journey is told in the book, “Missions Disrupted” 2022.

Larry W. Sharp, BAM Support Specialist, IBEC Ventures


Published in Crossworld’s Fall 2023 issue of Advance

EAST ASIA — Crossworld worker Brandon’s factory employs over 80 people, many of whom have lived difficult lives. Some have disabilities; others have suffered from homelessness.

Though society marginalizes them, at Brandon’s factory, they have dignity and value. More than that, they experience the love of Christ.

But one employee, Rose, didn’t like the things she heard about Jesus. In fact, she was so resistant to the gospel that she tried to hamper the company culture of care and respect.

One day, a church medical team came to the factory to offer free check-ups. Each employee could choose to talk with a local pastor afterward, and most did rather than go right back to work. Regardless of their motivation, God used that time to help them understand his love for them.

Soon it was Rose’s turn. “Would you like to talk with the pastor?” the doctor asked.

She replied, “Yes.”

Something changed in Rose’s heart during that brief visit. The truth she heard that day — combined with the visible witness she had seen from Brandon and other believers for years prior — turned into believing faith as Rose put her trust in Jesus.

Now, instead of hindering God’s work in the factory, Rose helps share God’s love with her coworkers.

God is working through disciple-makers like Brandon. Thank you for your generosity. Without it, factory workers like Rose in East Asia would not have access to the gospel.

Italicized names have been changed to protect identity.

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