IBEC Brazil: IBEC Managing Director, Bob Bush

IBEC Managing Director, Bob Bush, takes a moment to share a powerful account of his trip to Brazil in May 2024. We are excited to witness how God continues to advance His Kingdom and message across the world through the medium of BAM!

Larry W. Sharp, BAM Support Specialist, IBEC Ventures


Here at IBEC Ventures, we’ve been providing BAM Coaching and Subject Matter Expertise for both new and existing businesses since 2006. While our primary focus
continues to be the 10/40 window, we’ve felt God calling us to the beautiful country of Brazil for quite some time now. Four years ago, we received a call from a young
entrepreneur who needed help with his company’s strategy. He had been drawn to IBEC Ventures by a blog written by IBEC’s Founder, Larry Sharp, that showcased the impact of Business as Mission and the role IBEC Ventures continues to play in the overall ecosystem.

The young entrepreneur, Danilo Brizola from Snowman Labs (https://snowmanlabs.com/), began to work closely with his IBEC Coach, Jonathan Brake, and other members of the IBEC Team, and it became apparent that God was working on a much bigger role for Danilo. He wasn’t sure what this expanded assignment entailed, but God was ready to use Danilo to not only lead Snowman Labs, but to also impact the entire BAM Movement in Brazil. As a result, when BAM Brazil became a legal entity, he was invited to the board. IBEC would soon be given an opportunity to play a part in its expansion as well. In January of 2024, Danilo became the BAM Ambassador for IBEC in Brazil, and the first (of hopefully many) Centers of Excellence was taking shape.

During the weekend of May 18th-19th, BAM Brazil hosted their second Business as Mission Conference, and the impact on Curitiba and many parts of the country was incredible. Representatives from IBEC Ventures/Triventure attended the conference, which included local Brazilian IBEC Coaches. Coaches and clients were matched up and relationships were established that should have a lasting impact on the Kingdom for many years. Having someone like Danilo lead the way for IBEC has been an amazing blessing! His leadership background, coupled with his networking reach, will undoubtedly allow IBEC to maximize Kingdom Impact in the area.

This model in Brazil will be one that creates a blueprint for other areas of the world where the concept of building from within takes hold. Our dream at IBEC is to continue to support BAM Businesses from the USA like we have for the past 18 years, but the idea of accelerating growth in key, strategic hubs like Brazil is breathtaking!

May each of us as believers never take for granted the impact that one blog, one conversation, one phone call, or one ZOOM Meeting can have for the Kingdom. Sometimes, we just need to plant the seed and watch it grow. What’s happening in Brazil today and the role IBEC is playing would have never happened if it weren’t for the blog and the entire team effort. This was the catalyst that started the engine that has subsequently grown into the first IBEC Ventures Center of Excellence in the world…and what we firmly believe will be the first of many!

Bob Bush, Managing Director, IBEC Ventures

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