Robert Bush, Managing Director of IBEC Ventures, writes a challenging message for 2021 which includes IBEC’s annual goals, priorities and the IBEC process. One goal will never change.
Webster’s defines a goal as, “the end toward which effort is directed.” So…what does the word mean to each of us in our own personal walk? As we head into a new calendar year, I would bet that nearly every one of us have personal goals of some kind. These goals typically cover the entire spectrum, from improving one’s exercise routine, increasing family time, creating more balance in one’s life, or quite possibly…a more intentional focus on Scripture. Whatever the goal, we often find ourselves taking on these new incentives with a fevered pitch in January. By March or April, the flame begins to simmer, and the goals established just a short time ago become a distant memory.
What is the key to not only establishing meaningful goals, but keeping these goals within focus until the objectives are either met or modified based on changing dynamics of the accompanying landscape? While there are a number of correct answers to this question, I would maintain that one of the key ingredients has to do with positive accountability. When the visibility of a particular goal is heightened and others are involved, the propensity to quit and move on to other goals prior to completion simply is not an option. The idea of letting a team down, not just one’s personal self, will leave a bitter taste in the mouth of anyone who cares about truly finishing the task at hand.
Here at IBEC Ventures, we certainly do not pretend to have all the answers, but we do have a process that allows us to identify those deliverables that are important to the organization. We believe that in order for us to establish measurable goals, we need to bring our team together and garner the thoughts and opinions of everyone involved. We try to keep it simple because if we truly identify the key issues that we face, then our process becomes one of substance…and not just a drill.
What is our process?
- Our leadership team meets every year in October to conduct our Strategy Session. We review the past year and determine where we did well and where we fell short of expectations. We also discuss where we believe we can have the greatest impact for Christ as we head into the new year.
- The leadership team meeting feeds into the November Board Meeting, which allows us to refine our strategy as well. There is a strong connection between the discussion points at these two meetings, and this ensures us that we are all on the same page. Since our fiscal year ends in August, both meetings allow us to think through how IBEC Ventures can best create value for our target audience in the coming year.
- The IBEC Ventures business plan is then established, not to be set aside until the following year, but to be utilized as a roadmap to follow in the days ahead. Business plans should be dynamic and subject to change based on market conditions…and should never be etched in stone. I think we do a very good job of pivoting when these modifications to a plan are necessary. By God’s grace, we have been able to identify market needs and then flex our capabilities to create value in these key areas. This has undoubtedly been one of our key success factors.
As we head into 2021, what are our priorities and where do we plan to focus our time and effort?
- Continuing to create value for the BAM Investment Community by positioning IBEC as the liaison between the practitioner and the investor.
- Implementing sound fiscal policies to protect current financial position.
- Implementing consultant training programs and continuing to recruit top talent.
- Continuing to grow our social media platform and leveraging value-add services such as our Business Spotlight Feature, Larry Sharp’s Weekly Blog, The BAM Podcast, and our overall connection to the BAM Investment Community.
- Diversifying the IBEC Ventures Donor Base.
- Building and growing BAM Businesses for Christ…Never Quitting!
IBEC Ventures has been providing BAM coaching/consulting expertise since 2006. The landscape has changed significantly since we first started, as we have seen God do amazing things with the creation of jobs. For many, the creation of a job means hope and dignity in a world full of uncertainty. We truly believe that our CEO here at IBEC is Jesus Christ, and for Him, we must strive for excellence in everything we do. This includes our capability to plan and pivot as market conditions fluctuate. We must also never lose sight of the fact that the most important tool in our shed is the ability to build long-term relationships with our clients. From Day One, we must take a vested interest in their lives. We need to show love and compassion at every turn.
As 2021 unfolds, our proficiency to implement the goals we have established will have a profound impact on what happens throughout the year. Having said that, we must also realize that goals can change, and unexpected situations may arise. Just look at 2020…who would have ever thought that a virus named COVID-19 would change the world in so many ways? However, God is in control and we must never allow anything to discourage us from what we do best…which is to build and grow businesses for Him! No matter what year we are in, here at IBEC Ventures, this goal will never change.
Robert Bush, Managing Director, IBEC Ventures