Mats Tunehag: How Do We Define Success?

August 11, 2024

Mats Tunehag has given permission to reprint this article which Don Simmons also used recently in THE STEWARD INVESTOR.  I think we are all grateful for Mats’ leadership to the BAM movement. Larry W. Sharp, BAM Support Specialist, IBEC Ventures   —— If our sole success criterion is church planting and growth, Rwanda was […]

Character – the start and heart of Business as Mission

August 4, 2024

We are living in a time in history where character doesn’t seem to matter as much as it used to. We see it in politics. We see it in business. We see it in sports. We see it in education. We even see it in the church.  How can we keep it important and relevant […]

Patrice Tsague: Freedom to Dream

July 28, 2024

IBEC appreciates the pioneering great work being done by Patrice Tsague and the Nehemiah Project. We have permission to republish this article along with the 6-minute video. Larry W. Sharp, BAM Support Specialist, IBEC Ventures —— Then they said to one another, “look this dreamer is coming!” – Genesis 37:19 (NKJV) Are you aware […]

Is your business at risk?

July 21, 2024

This week’s blog is similar to last week, July 15, 2024 as we think about what makes our startup fail or even brings us down some years into it.  Toby Miles* has written about the seven reasons why missional businesses fail, and I have expanded on them here. Think about it – are you at […]

Why Might Your Business Fail?

July 14, 2024

I recently realized that sometimes, business owners seem oblivious to economic, social and planning factors, which can bring them down.  I have been the board chair of an association of businesses committed to a wonderful social cause, but I have been increasingly concerned that some feel that their social enterprise will somehow survive because of […]

From Hostile to Allied

July 7, 2024

IBEC has received permission to reprint this story set in country that is unfriendly to mission workers and Jesus followers. I am grateful to know Brandon and cross paths with him occasionally. A segment of his journey is told in the book, “Missions Disrupted” 2022. Larry W. Sharp, BAM Support Specialist, IBEC Ventures —– […]


June 30, 2024

This week, Americans celebrate Independence Day; a term used by many other countries which celebrate their freedom from colonial powers. Some other countries call it National Day like Spain and Thailand do; but what does it mean to be independent? Independent from what? What does it mean?  How about freedom? Is freedom absolute or conditional? […]

IBEC Brazil: IBEC Managing Director, Bob Bush

June 22, 2024

IBEC Managing Director, Bob Bush, takes a moment to share a powerful account of his trip to Brazil in May 2024. We are excited to witness how God continues to advance His Kingdom and message across the world through the medium of BAM! Larry W. Sharp, BAM Support Specialist, IBEC Ventures —– Here at […]

8 Truths Every Effective Leader Tells Themselves (Almost) Daily

June 15, 2024

IBEC is very grateful for our partnership with The Center. They have given permission to share this article by Jay Desko originally posted on their website All BAM businesses would do well to consider these eight truths. Larry W. Sharp, BAM Support Specialist, IBEC Ventures —– Try this experiment: think about something that […]

Underdogs in a Top Dog World Going up Against the Giants – and Winning

June 9, 2024

The Biblical narrative of David and Goliath is well known. To a lesser degree, similar events are scattered through the historical landscape. Sparta’s 300 Greeks held the giant Persian army at Thermopylae; Hannibal and his elephants defeated Roman legion after legion, and Sam Houston defeated Santa Anna in an 18-minute battle with less than half […]

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