Quotable Quotes from 2023 BAM Global Conference

Several hundred from all over the world were in attendance at a recent conference. The following few quotes represent many more in an excellent program led by Mats Tunehag, Jo Plummer, and Joao Mordomo.

  • We chose to do a Kingdom Business not because we had to, but because it embedded us into the community (Josiah in Costa Rica)
  • The refugee highway has 100 million displaced looking for a new home and new jobs.
  • The key thing for a Business as Mission enterprise is that someone has to have the DNA of an entrepreneur (Brent, Spain)
  • Business entrepreneurs are the untapped resource for the Kingdom of God (Garry, Asia)
  • If I bring value to a business or a community, I build trust and then have an audience; if I only talk theology, it is like sitting on a one-legged stool (Vaibhar, India)
  • The biggest issue in BAM may be the issue of who the customer is and how does one reach them (Don Simmons, USA)
  • White Lady, I didn’t want water; I need a job (Haitian woman to entrepreneur Jullie Colombino-Billingham)
  • I have had more downs than ups, but God brings me through (Julie in Haiti)
  • Remember that the Jews used a term “Tikkan Olam” which means to repair the world which refers to our co-creating with God, bridging the gap and bringing hope through business (Mats Tunehag, BAM Global)
  • Seek to be a blessing to the community (Bill Job, BAM Ambassador)
  • When people see us as business people, they see us as equal and a relationship develops which is real (Bruno, Asia)

Larry W. Sharp, BAM Support Specialist, IBEC Ventures

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