The Pastor and the Business Person

Yes, this is the title of a book I read this weekend. Mike R. Baer is the author, and it is an easy and important read.  Most of you reading this blog have heard much of what he has to say, but the chance is high your pastor has not.  It is a MUST read for your pastor.  You can get it on Amazon and elsewhere.  Your pastor needs this book.

Want to know why this is important for your pastor and church?  Mike summarizes his points on pages 101-103 and develops these thoughts throughout the book.

  1. Business was an original, pre-fall part of God’s creation.
  2. Enterprise and commercial activity is built into man’s nature and is connected deeply to the Creation Mandate.
  3. Wealth creation is necessary for any society to survive, much less, thrive. The only institution of God that creates wealth is business.
  4. Work consumes a huge portion of our lives. We spend more time at work than at home. God’s Word has much to say about work.
  5. Business, like many aspects of humanity, has been terribly affected by the Fall. Greed and avarice and dishonesty proceed from the heart of man and are seen in every part of creation.
  6. Business, like every other institution, is a place in which man lives and operates. The Christian man brings Christ with him and in him into this realm just as any other.
  7. Relationships forged in commerce are some of the most natural channels through which the grace of God and the Gospel flows. As such, enterprise is being used of God every day to further His redemptive plans for mankind.
  8. God’s redemption and restoration of all things includes man, creation, and every institution from family, to the government, to the economic engines.
  9. God’s word speaks clearly and loudly to the business of business.
  10. God’s people are to be joyfully engaged in business in submission to the Lordship of Christ.
  11. The church and her pastors must equip the people of God for involvement in all aspects of life, and this includes the workplace.
  12. Business, like all things, exists for and will bring about the glory of God.

IBEC and many of our readers are involved in, or care about the Business as Mission movement.  This book will help your pastor, his team members and the mission committee members of your church understand it.  Get one for your pastor today.

Larry Sharp, Director of Training, IBEC Ventures

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