Honoring the past | embracing the future – Part 1

I was speaking at a large Christian university in the eastern USA last month and I saw a large engraving in one of the buildings, “Honor the past – Embrace the future”.  Let’s do that as this week we honor this past year in IBEC’s life and next week we will embrace the future.

“The Godly people in the land are my true heroes.  I take pleasure in them.”  Psalm 16:3 (NLT)


Surely the strength of IBEC is its people.   This was Bob Bush’s first full year as our CEO and we see how God is using him.  During the year 2015, six new consultants were vetted and trained as they joined with dozens of others currently on projects as IBEC consultants or Subject Matter Experts.


This year we initiated 10 new projects in Kenya (2), South Sudan, Thailand, Nepal (2), Ghana, Haiti and China and the USA (focusing on Afghanistan and India).  These projects along with existing ones reflect market segments such as agriculture (poultry and cattle), medical care, finance, irrigation, IT and Christian entertainment.

Other key developments in 2015 included our first contract with a developed company (First Rate Financial) and we began a serious service to several nationals starting businesses.


We have never grown so dynamically as this year in the promotion of Business as Mission and IBEC itself:

  • Two movies were produced and distributed in January, presenting two major businesses in China.
  • Twenty training videos were completed this month (December), thanks to a generous grant.
  • Our social media and digital marketing program is having significant growth and impact, reaching over 500 people and organization through our weekly blog and posts on Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn. Our quarterly newsletter connects with over 400 subscribers and our videos on YouTube and Vimeo reach many more. All of this is focused on expanding Business As Mission content, connections and Kingdom impact within the BAM community, for God’s glory.

Director Bob Bush affirms, “Through our hands-on approach, the IBEC team continues to grow with one common goal in mind…to reach the unreached throughout the world, and build His kingdom through business.”  We thank God for every team member, every donor, every client, and every person who draws closer to the God of the universe this past year because of IBEC and its vision.

Larry Sharp, Director of Training, IBEC Ventures

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