This interactive tool is very helpful in understanding where all the pieces fit as we follow, and indeed are a part of the BAM ecosystem. It is fun to see IBEC Ventures and Triventure mentioned more than once. It is in two parts so don’t forget to move on to Part 2. Thanks Jon and […]
It saddens me each time I hear of a BAM company losing a key “essential” employee. I know that sometimes, it works out for the best in the end for both, but sometimes, it creates unnecessary stress on the company and the departing employee. My thoughts recently turned to how to retain your best talent. […]
This article, written and spoken by Mats Tunehag, is a must-read; or you can listen as you would a podcast. Nonetheless, every BAM practitioner, investor, encourager, mentor or learner needs to hear this message – all in six minutes or less. Larry Sharp, Director of Training, IBEC Ventures
If I were asked to list the top five authorities on Business as Mission (BAM), I would certainly have Mike Baer on the list. He has experience in BAM startups in Asia. He is a person of wise articulation and has written several books. He is the creator of Third Path Initiative which contains the […]
We are privileged to reprint a message at Lausanne 4 last September by Mats Tunehag. He reminds of the importance of our part in the BAM endeavors. Larry Sharp, Director of Training, IBEC Ventures —– Question about global poverty: has it decreased, stayed the same, or increased in our generation? Answer: Global poverty has […]
Each year about this time, I look up some data on who was the greatest of the US Presidents… And each year, I read the same thing. Almost every time, Abraham Lincoln and George Washington are the top two presidents, followed often by FDR, Jefferson, Theodore Roosevelt, etc. Of course, all such polling of experts […]
Recently, IBEC Director Bob Bush and I were asked to speak to a regular session of the Pragma Advisors. We were asked to give an overview of lessons learned throughout our IBEC history of coaching in frontier markets. We decided to organize the lessons around the graphic above. Right Person We learned that it […]
The Quadruple Line for Business as Mission is an important benchmark metric often used to measure alignment with the definition and values of the BAM movement. There is a tendency to utilize (and rightly so) metrics of business which rely heavily on an outcome-based mindset. Profit is important, and it is easily measured quantitatively. Job […]
Global leadership is not about geography. It’s about having the dynamic agility to lead anyone, anywhere. Coaches and business leaders in the international sector will find these questions both necessary and helpful. These are five reflection questions global leaders can ask themselves daily to integrate CQ with their very full schedule (via David Livermore’s Leading […]
What makes for a prosperous country? A growing country? Economists would say Per Capita GDP is an excellent indicator. Nutritionists might say a country that can feed itself with healthy foods. Resource managers will measure renewable energy, water tables, energy resources, and environmental indicators. Climatologists will measure pollution indexes, deforestation, and weather stability. Researchers like […]