5 things that prove old dogs CAN learn new tricks

You don’t usually hear from me directly, but today I’m going to step out from behind my role as IBEC blog beautifier (and editor and social media marketing specialist) and let you in on a secret:

Old dogs CAN learn new tricks!

The proof is in the five new share buttons at the bottom of this blog – buttons that will enable you to easily share an IBEC blog via Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, Google+ and email. In the world of blogging, these share buttons are the dog tricks equivalent of “Sit. Stay. Come.” But they’ve been missing from the IBEC blog and this week a training conference for Social Media Success inspired me to learn a new trick (new for this old dog, or young pup as the case may be in terms of my web page coding experience).

The course I took didn’t teach me how to add these buttons. I had to seek the expertise of HTML pros and get my hands dirty with some trial and error experimenting to learn that – much like the BAM entrepreneurs do when they enlist IBEC’s help.

But the course did remind me why I should add these share buttons: to help you be part of expanding the Business as Missions / Business for Transformation movement. All of us in the BAM business building world know how challenging this work is AND the divine impact it has on lives around the world. If you’ve been reading Larry Sharp’s weekly IBEC blogs, you know what a great source of BAM/B4T/Kingdom business building/emerging markets entrepreneurship know-how they are!

Sharing articles that resonate with your experience and heart for expanding the Kingdom through business can help others  to catch this vision too. You never know who you might be inspiring or encouraging. You never know who might become that next BAM entrepreneur or that next Freedom Business supporter or that next IBEC consultant. That’s one of the things I love about my role at IBEC!

You can also be an advocate for BAM by encouraging people to subscribe to IBEC’s weekly blog email (IBEC Insights) and our quarterly newsletter (IBEConnect). The subscription sign-up is at the bottom of each blog, this one included. Finally, do let me know if you find any glitches in these share buttons as you begin using them; it’s all part of the process of continuous improvement, serving you…and serving the Lord.

Carolyne Hart, Director of Social Media and Digital Marketing, IBEC Ventures

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