Ready to Start: Eight Foundational Rules for a Business as Mission (BAM) Entrepreneurial Operation System (EOS)- Part 2

December 10, 2023

Last week we shared four of the eight principles to consider when starting a BAM startup.  They were Purpose, Principles, People and Problem.  This week we look at Product, Process, Place and Passion. Think about it. Everything that exists started somewhere.  Adam and Eve were in startup mode when God gave them jobs to do.  […]

Ready to Start: Eight Foundational Rules for a Business as Mission (BAM) Entrepreneurial Operation System (EOS)- Part 1

December 2, 2023

Think about it. Everything that exists started somewhere.  Adam and Eve were in startup mode when God gave them jobs to do.  Where did they start when God said “…work and take care of the Garden”? How about naming the animals?  Where did they start? And so on until today – innovations and businesses all […]

You will Probably Fail in Business; Unless…….

November 26, 2023

“Anyone who stops learning is old, whether at twenty or eighty. Anyone who keeps learning stays young. The greatest thing in life is to keep your mind young.”  -Henry Ford Some time ago, a group of four businesspersons, including two IBEC leaders traveled in Asia to observe and consult with three BAM social enterprise businesses. […]

Bob Bush: We are Thankful – 2023

November 19, 2023

IBEC Managing Director, Bob Bush speaks for all of us in IBEC when he affirms “…I have so much to be thankful for as God continues to bless…”  Read about our involvement in South Asia. Larry W. Sharp, BAM Support Specialist, IBEC Ventures —– It’s hard to believe that we will soon be celebrating […]

Acquisition Entrepreneurship – what is it and why do it?

November 12, 2023

I am a baby boomer, and among the oldest ones since my father entered WWII early and returned in 1943 on a stretcher following his third airplane crash.  I was born in 1944. There were lots of babies born in the 1940’s and they are now retiring, and business owners are selling their businesses. This […]

Sound of Freedom – a movie success, but how should I think and act now?

November 5, 2023

My wife and I viewed the movie Sound of Freedom the first week it came out and have been in several conversations since.  For many, it was a new reality; some reacted and sensed some bias and over statement; some did not know what to think or what to do next. It is always good […]

What is the Lion’s Den?

October 29, 2023

Well, it has to do with lions, and we may first have heard of the biblical Daniel in a den of lions.  Of course, he had a miraculous escape, and is a spectacular true story we often tell our children. The metaphor remains to this day, and ten years ago, a group of kingdom-minded business […]

You can do it too – BAM coaching or consulting: Here’s why!

October 22, 2023

What do an engineer from Michigan, a coffee shop in Bangkok, Thailand, and a language school in northern India have in common?    Read On! An article in “The Balance” suggests that in a list of ten second career choices, consultant and coach are two of the ten common second careers.1 In a recent IBEC Coach […]

Engineering Spreadsheets for the Glory of God in East Asia

October 15, 2023

In the 2022 book Missions Disrupted: From Professional Missionaries to Missional Professionals, I shared 27 stories of transformational businesses which were turning a profit, creating jobs, stewarding God’s creation, and making disciples of Jesus. One of those stories, “Engineering Spreadsheets – Relevant to God’s Purposes” (p. 73ff) tells the story of Brandon and Ashley who […]

The Moral Obligation of a Christian in Business

October 7, 2023

Have you ever heard a statement made so succinctly that it made a deep impression?  I encourage you to take one minute and 14 seconds to listen to Tom Ngboi, the Uganda Country Director for Kingdom Exchange.  I also encourage you to keep an eye on, as it is an amazingly wise contemporary forum […]

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