What is your role in Business as Mission?

Recently  I taught a session on Business as Mission at a conference in Portland, Oregon.  About 60 attended.  I used several videos to tell the story of how God uses Business as Mission to accomplish his purpose in the world.  The videos demonstrate how Kingdom for-profit businesses make a difference by creating jobs and making disciples for Jesus.  A careful and intentional integration of incarnational gospel living and culturally appropriate proclamation of the Good News is key to individual and community transformation.

But I always like to leave the audience with a clear pathway to how they can get involved individually.  For some it will involve moving overseas, but for most it means finding ways to connect while here in the homeland.  This blog by Joyce Ahn from the Business as Mission website gives important ideas for finding our own unique role in the world of BAM. Note the three items at the bottom especially the one entitled, “Twelve Stakeholders…”

What’s My Role in BAM? Discovering Where You Fit in the BAM Movement

Larry Sharp, Director of Training, IBEC Ventures

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