It has been awhile since I have updated a list of resources for Business as Mission. However, Jo Plummer from the Business As Mission Resource Team at has done an excellent job putting this list of resources together. It includes videos, articles and papers, books, and links to events and training courses. I suggest that the following link be reviewed and that each reader pick a resource to get to know: Business As Mission Resource Library (
Some of the new ones that I recommend from this list are:
• BAM Talks videos produced by IBEC together with leading BAM practioners
• Business for Transformation by Patrick Lai
• From Aid to Trade by Daniel Jean-Louis & Jacqueline Klamer
• Anything written by Mats Tunehag and Bill Job is worth reading.
Another book which simply sets the stage on Business as Mission is:
• A Better Way: Making Disciples Wherever Life Happens by Dale Losch
Not all Christians are called to “full time ministry,” but all are called to minister full time. The growing global Business as Mission movement increasingly engages today’s Christians – like the Moravians of old – in God’s global mission, creating opportunities to minster full time and to make a difference in the lives of people and societies – spiritually, economically, socially and environmentally.
William Jones, Chairman of the Board – Coca Cola Bottling Company
Larry Sharp, Director of Training, IBEC Ventures