M6:33 Capital – Financial Returns Now and for Eternity

By Guest Author, Erik Fast

In a recent poll, 44.3% of Americans – non-Christians as well as followers of Jesus – said they believe the coronavirus and resulting economic meltdown is a “wake up call for us to turn back to faith in God,” signs of “coming judgment,” or both. In another poll, 63% of people who said they “believe in God,” say that God is using our current economic troubles “to tell humanity to change the way we are living.”

Headlines in our news speak of wars, rumors of wars, famines, pestilence, earthquakes, and persecutions. Jesus said these things would mark the end of this age. Three times in Revelation 22 Jesus said He is coming soon.

If indeed the time may be short, how will your financial resources benefit you in the near- and far- term? Are your investments in stocks that could lose much of their value next week? Will any of your investments provide returns in eternity? Is it possible for investments to provide financial returns here on earth and have a benefit for eternity? If you could make such an investment, would you? 

The IBEC Insights blog often posts information about direct deals into singular Business as Mission companies. In this post, we are sharing information about an investment fund operated by M6:33 Capital through which investors can invest in a portfolio of Business as Mission companies.

M6:33 Capital has assembled a potential portfolio of companies that are using their businesses as a platform for sharing the Gospel. These companies have the potential for solid financial returns. More than that though, as they employ and love formerly sex-trafficked women in the name of Christ, as their employees secretly share the Gospel in countries hostile to Christianity, and as they fulfill the Great Commission and Great Commandment inside of their businesses, they have the potential for providing eternal rewards for investors.

IBEC is looking for Kingdom companies to recommend as potential portfolio companies for M6:33 Capital. So, the M6:33 Capital team is aware of the very best investment opportunities that IBEC works with. IBEC Founder, Larry Sharp is on the board of both IBEC and M6:33 Capital.

There are two distinctive features about working with M6:33 Capital that the IBEC team greatly appreciates: 1) M6:33 Capital is first and foremost interested in the Kingdom impact of the portfolio companies it manages, and 2) the M6:33 Capital investment fund provides investors with an ability to participate in investment decisions by giving investors a voice in, and a vote on investments before deals are finalized.

Additionally, an investment with M6:33 Capital provides investors with the ability to be invested in not just one deal, but in a portfolio of twenty or so companies, each of which has Kingdom impact. Because an investment with M6:33 is diversified into a number of BAM companies, such an investment has less risk than a small number of direct investments. Thus, investors then have the opportunity to be part of twenty or so stories of Kingdom impact.

We are not fighting against flesh-and-blood enemies, but against evil rulers and authorities of the unseen world, against mighty powers in this dark world, and against evil spirits in the Heavenly places. We know who wins in the end, but until then, M6:33 Capital is investing in companies that are on His side. These companies are changing lives and communities for the Kingdom of God.

For more information contact:  Erik Fast, Managing Director erik@m633capital.com

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