I am a firm believer in models, examples and in observing closely the experiences of others. I have been consulting with entrepreneurs for ten years now and have learned much from them. These six things are among the many principles which have been observed in their lives while in the overseas marketplace. 1. He was […]
This week we’re pleased to bring you insights from a IBEC board member, Dave Kier who owns and operates DFS Feeds in northwest Iowa. He is a man of business excellence and experience, and also passion for bringing his faith to the workplace. As the second generation owner of this thriving business, Dave shares from […]
Last week I shared the story of Michelle, a student in a course I taught last year at a graduate school in western Canada. She was transformed by the understanding of a theology of work and the concept that her work was her ministry. She had written me after the course saying that she had […]
“Last night I gave the keys to my company over to its new CEO, Jesus Christ.” These were the words of Michelle, the co-founder and managing partner of a large recruitment firm in a Canadian capital city. Michelle had lived in several countries, travelled widely and owned several companies. Recently she was a nominee for […]
Masterful. That’s my one-word description of these last three videos from the newly released IBEC Business As Mission (BAM) video vignettes series. In less than three minutes each reveals the reality of God’s heart for working in and through ordinary people, doing ordinary things with a supernatural difference. They inspire me to operate on a […]
This week we’re previewing three new power packed Business As Mission (BAM) video vignettes featuring one of the most visible couples in the BAM movement: Mats Tunehag and Jennifer Roemhildt Tunehag. Mats Tunehag is probably the world’s most prolific speaker and writer about BAM. He is currently Co-Chair of BAM Global (formerly the BAM Think Tank) […]
“It’s not what you know. It’s who you know.” The ‘what’ is certainly important, but the ‘who’ – ‘Who’ we know and serve and ‘who’ we know and serve with – reveals more about each of us. As readers of this blog, we hope you are coming to know IBEC better, who we are all […]
Although Jesus instructed his disciples to travel light (Mark 6:8-9), he warned them to be prepared for challenges (Mark 6:10-11, Matthew 10:16)…and gave them power and authority to do the work they were called to do (Luke 9:1-3). I don’t claim to be an expert on travel tips, but I have picked up quite a few […]
This is a presidential election year in the USA and this month of February is the month we remember two great presidents of yesteryear. Monday is Presidents’ Day, part way between the birth dates of Abraham Lincoln and George Washington. We do not readily associate these successful political figures with business, but both were one-time […]
The last two blogs referred to two of the three bottom lines of Business as Mission (BAM): (1) profitability and sustainability and (2) the creation of value, particularly job creation. The third bottom line is the development of spiritual capital – making followers of Jesus. The concept of the Triple Bottom Line has been around […]