Bob Bush: Connecting Kingdom Investors with BAM Practitioners

This week, we are featuring an insightful post pertaining to Connecting Kingdom Investors with BAM Practitioners, written by IBEC Managing Director, Bob Bush. We are continually blessed by his Christlike wisdom and leadership.

Larry W. Sharp, BAM Support Specialist, IBEC Ventures


God is doing amazing things with Business as Mission, and one of the most encouraging areas of growth focuses on Kingdom Investing.  While we still have a long way to go, we’re beginning to see a number of these investors step up to the plate and invest in those BAM businesses that meet their criteria.  We realize that every Kingdom Investor is different; however, at IBEC Ventures we focus on true integration of the Quadruple Bottom Line with every one of our BAM Businesses…whether they’re raising capital or not.  Their ability to attain sustainability, while creating jobs and making disciples, is important to us.  These businesses also need to be good stewards with what God has given them.  We’ve found that this integration of the Quadruple Bottom Line is not only important to us, but it resonates with a number of Kingdom Investors as well.

Over the years, we’ve gotten to know a lot of BAM Practitioners and a number of Kingdom Investors.  Now, we’re finding that our ability to connect the two not only benefits both parties, but it truly impacts the Kingdom. If we’re able to make this connection and then come alongside the practitioner, it creates a plan of action that enhances risk mitigation for the Kingdom Investor.  Most of these investors simply don’t have the time it takes to roll out the implementation plan for these recent investments.  The idea of having someone from IBEC come alongside these businesses and hold respective leaders accountable in a positive way, is very appealing to the investor.  It’s also attractive to the practitioner, because they really do need our help.  When all is said and done, IBEC becomes the liaison between the two.  Kingdom Investor at one end…BAM Practitioner at the other, both working for the Glory of God.  How cool is that!

The BAM Capital + Program is designed for those BAM Businesses that are seeking a minimum of $500,000. It’s also been built for Kingdom Investors who want access to solid BAM Businesses, that desire to build/grow excellent companies for Christ.  If you’re either one of these, please check out the short video about IBEC’s BAM Capital + Program here.

And…if you want to team up with IBEC to start off 2023 the right way, then reach out to today.

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