Jobs as justice

November 4, 2017

For some years I taught at a graduate school on the West Coast. I note that they now have a Master’s degree in Justice with courses such as Theological Foundations, Social Justice, The History of Justice and similar topics. I also note the content of entire conferences on Christian justice with themes related to chasing […]

5 ways Business as Mission may mirror the Protestant Reformation

October 29, 2017

Protestant churches around the world will be remembering Martin Luther and the tenants of the Reformation this month as October 31 commemorates 500 years since Luther nailed his Theses to the door of Wittenberg Castle in 1517. Most of us would probably find it difficult to come up with more than two or three of […]

All startups need tugboat help!

October 21, 2017

On September 22 I watched the 66,000 ton cargo ship OOCL San Francisco proceed slowly into the Seattle unloading dock. Within 24 hours this gigantic container ship would unload its tonnage and head back to sea. As I watched this giant 909-foot ship slowly edge toward to the docks I noticed two tiny, but powerful […]

17 entrepreneurship points to ponder and practice

October 15, 2017

This past summer I taught a university course in entrepreneurship.  I love to use videos of the great entrepreneurs and thought leaders of our time.  Here are seventeen quotes from some of those we studied.1 “First get the right people on the bus, the wrong people off the bus, and the right people in the […]

Freedom through business: hold fast to your dreams

October 8, 2017

The following is a report by international BAM spokesperson, Mats Tunehag.  He reproduces a speech by the founder and CEO of a freedom business, Annie Dieselberg. IBEC partners with the Freedom Business Alliance and this article breathes insight and inspiration into several issues in the BAM movement and especially developing freedom businesses. IBEC partners with […]

Socially conscious business and Business as Mission – what’s the difference?

October 1, 2017

Many terms surround the space in which IBEC works; terms such as socially conscious business, Business as Mission (BAM), social enterprise, Business for Transformation (B4T), Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR), Benefit Corporation among others. The following grid is far from perfect, but perhaps will help a little in creating some understanding. I welcome your comments. Socially […]

9 ways that IBEC Ventures is unique

September 24, 2017

This is an important question for any organization, not only for internal management purposes, but also to insure we serve the client well. What do we have that may be unique as we seek to meet client and customer needs? The question was asked of 21 consultants attending a 3-day training session in Kansas City […]

Business as Mission (BAM) training

September 17, 2017

On August 21, 2017 the naval vessel USS John S. McClain collided with a merchant ship with several fatalities; this was the second of two similar events in two months. I found the comments by retired Navy captain and current defense analyst, Jerry Hendrix to be informative. He said the cause can be traced to […]

3 dangers for owners/managers attempting Business as Mission

September 9, 2017

I have been visiting, observing and providing consulting services to cross-cultural businesses proclaiming to be authentic missional businesses for more than ten years. I have observed three dangers for those leading such businesses. First, what is a missional business? In 2016 I wrote the following on this blog site: A Kingdom business can be defined […]

7 things we have learned in over 10 years of BAM consulting

September 2, 2017

Having recently met as an IBEC leadership team to cast vision for the years ahead, we also took time to look back and reflect on the things we’ve learned over our 11-year history. We continue to be humbled to see God at work and share this retrospective from Larry Sharp and Gary Willett, reprinted from […]

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