An Alaskan mother; an Alaskan entrepreneur

May 11, 2015

Yesterday was Mother’s Day.  I always think about my mom who passed away 15 years ago; and I often remember my mother-in-law, who also is long gone from this life. I learned many things from my mother-in-law business owner. Doris was the founding owner of a seafood company in Kenai, Alaska.  I worked for her […]

Crisis in Nepal: What would Jesus do? What should we do?

May 4, 2015

I am writing this on an airplane while on my way to Phoenix to speak at a conference about Business as Mission.  Also tonight my youngest daughter is flying to Nepal as part of a First Response Team for World Vision.  Certainly the results of the earthquake there have produced a humanitarian crisis of gigantic […]

Incubators, accelerators and other resources for BAM businesses

April 26, 2015

Incubators, accelerators, business developers, startup weekends, coaches, consultants… Do these terms confuse you?  Some people use these interchangeably; others make a distinction that’s important to them.  Where do these business efforts fit in relation to a consulting group like IBEC? First, we define IBEC Ventures as a consulting group offering a variety of coaching, mentoring, training […]

Business? Yes! Mission? Yes!

April 20, 2015

Our blog content often focuses on business–related themes such as ethics, poverty, innovation, business leadership, management etc.  But mission is also a fundamentally important part of a Kingdom business.  IBEC helps start and grow businesses which become profitable and sustainable, create jobs and share the “Good News” of Jesus. Sometimes I get a little angry […]

Five things great entrepreneurs DON’T do

April 13, 2015

Last week we listed six things entrepreneurs do and gave examples from Business As Mission (BAM) businesses we know.  This week we will look at five things they do not do – in and out of the BAM world.  Steve Tobak of Fox Business (and author of Real Leaders Don’t Follow) suggests in a March […]

Do you have what it takes?

April 6, 2015

While on a recent flight I picked up the Spring 2015 issue of Startups magazine.  An article by Marcia Layton Turner caught my eye: Get started: 12 signs you’ve got what it takes to start your own business. You can read the online version (12 Signs You Have an Entrepreneurial Mindset) in full on Entrepreneurs […]

Is BAM disruptive innovation?

March 30, 2015

I have recently been listening to Clay Christensen (Harvard Business School) describe his idea of disruptive innovation.  He calls it a theory and has some amazing examples from the steel and auto industry, tech examples and even education.  The definition below comes from Christensen’s website which I highly recommend. “Disruptive innovation, a term of art […]

Business ethics in action: let your light shine

March 16, 2015

We have written some thoughts in recent blogs about ethics, corruption and bribery.  Because IBEC serves businesses in countries that are the most corrupt in the world (see, we hear stories like this from time to time.  This story gives a glimpse of what it is like to make ethical decisions in the real-life […]

Have you found your TBO for 2015 yet?

March 9, 2015

On Dec 29, 2014 I wrote about being on the lookout for that big opportunity, something retired Harvard Business School professor John Kotter calls The Big Opportunity (TBO).  It is a window into a winning future that is realistic, emotionally compelling and memorable.  In business it can be new markets, advances in technology, new products, […]

Don’t give up!

February 16, 2015

In recent months I have been in on several conversations with the owners of overseas kingdom business start ups who were discouraged – who were ready to give up.  It is not easy to know if they need encouragement, or if they need a key resource they currently lack, or if they legitimately need to […]

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