Three freedom businesses – a mini case study

May 12, 2018

Part 3 of a 3-part series on human slavery and freedom business Last week we stated that the vital re-integration element for addressing the problem of human trafficking, particularly sex slavery, is an important complement to rescue and restoration. While in Cambodia recently we interviewed and observed seven businesses which were working hard to develop […]

Trafficked humans: rescue – restore – reintegrate

May 5, 2018

Part 2 of a 3-part series on human slavery and freedom business “Do I really deserve love and care?” blurted twelve-year-old Dara as she looked at the teddy bear and the note attached to it. It was the first time she had been told something like this, and the first time she had ever been […]

Child human trafficking – a short definition of this dehumanized state

April 28, 2018

Part 1 of a 3-part series on human slavery and freedom business The worldwide human trafficking industry today conservatively estimates 40 million victims. It is organized crime, second in size to drug trafficking. There are more slaves today on earth than ever before, albeit with a different dehumanizing face than the slave trade, or the […]

What do Kingdom investors say and want?

April 21, 2018

A recent meeting of “Great Commission Companies” in Nepal invited practitioners and investors from other south Asia countries to share insights on issues related to investing in Kingdom companies. IBEC has coached and consulted with several companies in Nepal and we maintain a keen interest and involvement in that country. The group in Nepal uses […]

The ultimate startup guide

April 14, 2018

The Winter 2017/2018 issue of Inc. Magazine’s cover story was entitled, “The Ultimate Startup Guide”. It was sub-titled “21 pages of wisdom gained the hard way by successful founders”. I couldn’t resist buying it in the Palm Beach International airport. The article was entitled The First 90 Days and was billed as a checklist of […]

What is your role in Business as Mission?

April 7, 2018

Recently  I taught a session on Business as Mission at a conference in Portland, Oregon.  About 60 attended.  I used several videos to tell the story of how God uses Business as Mission to accomplish his purpose in the world.  The videos demonstrate how Kingdom for-profit businesses make a difference by creating jobs and making […]

Fulfilling Jesus’ two “Greats”

April 2, 2018

As we celebrate the resurrection of our savior, Jesus Christ, we reflect on his words to us before his death, often referred to as The Great Commandment and the Great Commission. The Great Commandment “Teacher, which is the greatest commandment in the Law?” Jesus replied: “‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and […]

Kingdom business practitioner: Had a campfire talk lately?

March 25, 2018

Last Thursday I attended a event on Capitol Hill in Seattle.  I am not used to hobnobbing with 200 entrepreneurs in one room, but I was there to learn and to see how some of them presented their pitch to the audience. Founders Live is an global community and social platform for entrepreneurs to […]

And God created the peanut

March 17, 2018

IBEC Board member, Dave Kier writes a regular devotional for his employees. He has proven God to be faithful and a constant guide in building his feed company in western Iowa.  In this memo from a couple of months ago, he shares how he learned from another man of God, George Washington Carver. “It is […]

Make your meetings strategic

March 10, 2018

Matthew Todd is a new IBEC consultant, who has owned his own company and now provides consulting help to other companies.  He used the following in one of his communications last August. Strategic communication begins and ends at the very top of the organization. The leadership teams of the companies I work with, when asked […]

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